What a woman ! She’s radiant, loving, calm, present, and an amazing business-woman ! Supporting causes, people, women she believes in, and generosely offering her light and love to everyone who crosses her path. We don’t know how she manages her time with her flourishing business at Nuskin, editor of the Magazine l’Extension, President since May 1994 of the Cercle des Dirigeants d’Entreprises, mom, wife, big women supporter and all the events she organises. We just know that she is truly a SHE-woman ! Making everyone in her presence feel good. Go and meet her one day, in an event, at her place in Geneva she puts at disposition for Conferences for all the beautiful initiatives out there who knock at her door, she’d like people to know about. Enza is a real wing, and we say her a big thank you for the big support she has already offered us in such a short time since we met the first time 8th March at her place, where she offered generously her place for our Women’s Day Happening with Marine Tadie.